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2021 2022 2023


EU Cybersecurity Act: the time to prepare is now!

In order to increase trust and security in connected devices and digital services, the European Union has adopted the Cybersecurity Act, which will gradually introduce a certification framework for products, services and processes. For companies this should lead to one certification process, recognised across the EU. “It certainly is an important initiative but implementation will be complex as every member state works to translate the certification schemes into national regulation”, states Bill Chard, Products Director at Eurofins Digital Testing. 

Bill Chard

Products Director at Eurofins Digital Testing

Eurofins Digital Testing is a global group headquartered in Belgium specialised in product testing and laboratory services. It provides a broad range of digital testing tools and services and also helps companies in dealing with cyber security threats. Bill Chard: “We cover infrastructure, cloud systems and devices and offer pen-testing, consultancy and training on cyber. My main area of focus is connected devices and for that domain the EU Cybersecurity Act could have a big impact.”

The Act was voted in 2019. This certification framework will provide rules, standards and procedures to evaluate the security properties of a specific product or service. But the process of implementation takes time. “The first scheme that is being developed is EUCC for ICT systems, soon to be followed by a scheme for cloud systems. Both are due to come into effect in 2022, and then manufacturers and developers of affected systems will have to become compliant by mid-2024. Other schemes for IOT or industrial automation & control are probably still a couple of years away.”

A good reason to join the Coalition

Legislation is already in progress in EU states including the Netherlands, and in the UK (not directly linked with the CSA as the UK is no longer a European member state). Belgium is at an earlier stage in this process. “For us this was a good reason to join the Cyber Security Coalition. It is an important stakeholder in how these schemes will be implemented and we hope to have a voice in this. And in the Focus Groups we can exchange with other companies and institutions on the evolutions and the impact of the Cybersecurity Act”, explains Bill.  

Eurofins Digital Testing has a large capability in testing and assessment. “Our group already acts as certification body for many standards in different industries. We will be aiming to offer services and certification for the EU Cybersecurity Act too. We are preparing for it and recommend our customers to do so voluntarily. Taking into account that the certification schemes will be gradually rolled out over the next two to three years, companies will need another couple of years to comply with these rules and standards.” 

Bill Chard is convinced that certification under the EU cyber security schemes will be recognized in other parts of the world. “Certification of cyber security properties will become mandatory. As Europe is a frontrunner, this can offer competitive advantages. Having a label or certification will reassure end users. So manufacturers that succeed in being the first to have it, even in an environment where it is not yet mandatory, will get the most benefit from it.”