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2021 2022 2023


“We need more awareness and more cyber professionals”

In 2021, cyber security continues to gain ground. One of the main reasons is that since the Covid-19 pandemic criminals have had a bigger playing field. More awareness and security measures are needed to protect citizens and businesses from being hacked. The European Union is taking the lead in this matter. Ann Mennens, Cyber Aware Programme Manager of the European Commission, outlines some key European initiatives.

Ann Mennens

Cyber Aware Programme Manager of the European Commission

In October, European Cyber Security Month, the European Union traditionally emphasises the importance of cyber security to all citizens. Promoting cyber security awareness is crucial. "We really need to create more awareness. During the past year, the number of phishing cases has been heavily increasing. We see a rising trend in cyber incidents, a logical consequence of the fact that remote working is the new normal. We do not always secure our home environment sufficiently. You may have the best firewall installed, hackers can always find a backdoor to penetrate", says Ann Mennens. 

Preventive action is the message because the impact of a cyber attack can be enormous. "By demonstrating the danger in advance, we can increase vigilance. Within the European Commission, for example, we do this by sending fake phishing emails. These tests show that we still fall into the trap too easily. But, on the other hand, we have noticed that people are taking action and are reporting suspicious mails more quickly than before. Which of course is a good evolution." 

Need for more women in the sector 

In order to detect suspicious cases faster, the IT and cyber teams of the European institutions are regularly tested and trained. "These exercises are essential to keep them alert, because criminals are becoming increasingly cunning, and European institutions are an interesting target for them. We really need to keep everyone on their toes at all times. But at the same time, we need extra professionals, with the right skills, who can identify the risks and mitigate them." 

Unfortunately, finding that cyber security talent is becoming increasingly difficult. "Moreover, the IT world is dominated by men. We noticed that adding woman experts to our cyber security teams creates added value. Therefore, we launched our inhouse Cyber Security Training Programme. The programme attracts colleagues from a variety of backgrounds who are interested in upskilling in cyber security, and many women follow the training. With the Women4Cyber initiative and registry we also created a platform to promote and connect female professionals working in cyber security. And it is catching on: more and more women are showing interest and joining." 

An inspiring network of professionals 

The European Union is also a source of inspiration for the Belgian Cyber Security Coalition. Ann Mennens has been closely involved since its inception and is one of the initiators and trainers of the ‘Cyber Security Awareness and Culture Manager' training programme. "Awareness for cyber security is not high on the agenda of many companies. We have therefore launched a unique four-month training programme for Coalition members, to help them build the capacity inhouse for organizing and running effective and efficient cyber security awareness raising activities. 27 participants, from various sectors, completed the course this autumn and obtained their certificate." 

Despite all her experience and expertise, Ann still learns from the Coalition. "For every member, the Coalition offers added value. The success depends on its members. Each meeting we exchange experiences and at times challenge each other, and this offers new insights every time. All is based on mutual respect and trust. After all, everyone realises that we must cooperate now if we want to be prepared to face the challenges of tomorrow", concludes Ann Mennens.